My Oil and Gas reference material--Meus materiais de referência sobre petróleo e gás, J Henry Phillips
Dicionário da Terminologia do Petróleo Arthur Ivens-Ferras; patrocínio da SOTEP
Petroleum Engineering Bradley; Society of Petroleum Engineers
Dictionary of Petroleum Exploration and Drilling Norman J. Hyne, PhD; Penwell Books
The Illustrated Petroleum Reference, 4th Ed. Robert D. Langenkamp, Ed.; Penwell Books
Glossary of the Petroleum Industry E-S-E Penwell Books
Glossary of Terms and Expressions Used in Well Logging SPWLA
Manual of Oil and Gas Terms Williams and Meyers, 6th Ed. Matthew Bender and Co.
Comprehensive Technical Dictionary, English-Portuguese Lewis L. Sell, Makron Books
Dicionário Enciclopédico ing-port. de Geofísica e Geologia Osvaldo de Oliveira Duarte, SBGf, 1997
Dicionário de Geologia Sedimentar Kenitiro Suguio
Encyclopedic Dictionary of Exploration Geophysics Robert E. Sheriff; 3rd Ed. Geophysical Reference Series
Dicionário Geológico-Geomorfológico Antônio Teixeira Guerra, Fundação IBGE 1972
Glossary of Geology (Hardcover and CD versions) Gary, McAfee Jr and Wolf, Eds. AGI
Glossário de Equipamentos de Sondagens Ass. Bras de Geol de Engenharia
Glossário de Geofísica Ass. Bras de Geol de Engenharia
Glossário de Geologia Estrutural e Tectônica Ass. Bras de Geol de Engenharia
Glossário de Geologia Geral Ass. Bras de Geol de Engenharia
Glossário de Hidrogeologia Ass. Bras de Geol de Engenharia
Glossário de Mecânica das Rochas Ass. Bras de Geol de Engenharia
Glossário de Mecânica dos Solos Ass. Bras de Geol de Engenharia
A Primer of Oilwell Drilling Ron Baker, PETEX-IADC
A Primer of Offshore Operations Curtis F. Cruse, PETEX, Austin
The Petroleum Industry--an Overview Don A. Gorman, Action Systems, Sii Drilco, Houston
Oil and Gas Secretary's Handbook Montie Carol Wesley & Jan Sellars, Larksdale, Houston
Basic Well Logging Analysis for Geologists Asquith & Gibson, AAPG
Modern Petroleum Bill Berger & Kenneth Anderson, Penwell Books
Chemicals from Petroleum Waddams, Noyes Press
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